LWRA President’s Message – Week of 12/25/23

Good Christmas morning,

As I write this ‘Monday Message’ I cant help but feel blessed and encouraged.  I have been given privilege to be a part of a wonderful hobby that definitely ‘gives’ to the community , world and more specifically to each other. I is in amazement that I hear someone say ,  I need…, or I cant get this to work, or can someone tell me how to do this…, you get the drift on the air. Within minutes or seconds in some cases the wheels are in motion for someone to assist, or have the answer or actually something un-heard of today, go and actually help the person.  Community involvement , assuring safety and service in communications as a helping hand in preparedness or during actual emergent situations. Thank You for being a part of this community. The LWRA has made quite a name for itself. We have grown and will hopefully continue to make an impact on amateur radio as well as , as our byline says, education thru comradery.

Now down to the reminder for the week.

Tuesday we will have our regular net at 730 on the 442.425 machine. 127.3 Hz CTCSS on Tx and Rx  ( for those of you who got new ‘toys’ for the holidays. Come join us!. After the regular net we will transition to our weekly round table informal net on the same repeater.  As a reminder if ‘you would if you could’ but for what ever reason cant make the repeater we can log you in via Signal Chat for the LWRA. If you do not have the club chat on Signal send me an email and we can get you hooked up. Great communications tool! This week we have N4JPC Jim at the helm so come join the fun.

It is here!  We will have our last , but probably most interesting, QRP this month. We will have a FOX HUNT! For those unfamiliar we will try and find low power transmitters that have been hidden using our handheld radios. Great information is on the web site as well as the flyer for the event. We will be at Crystal Lake Park in Lake Wales for this event.  www.lwra.us/qrp  Saturday December 30th 9-12.

I will let you get to the gifts, fellowship and food on this glorious day! What a gift this day has been already!

In appreciation for each of you,

‘see ya on the air’

Michael Lunsford,
