LWRA Traders Net Preamble

LWRA Net Preamble – PDF Format

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LWRA Weekly Net and Traders Net – Preamble

At 1925: CQ, CQ, CQ, This is (name-call sign). The LWRA Weekly Net will begin in about 5 minutes. Any stations wishing to use the repeater should do so at this time. Again the LWRA Weekly Net and Traders Net will begin in about 5 minutes. Identify your station here.

At 1930: CQ, CQ, CQ. This is (name / call sign) I will be net control for this evening’s LWRA Weekly net. This net is conducted every Tuesday evening at 7:30 P.M. You do not have to be a member of the Lake Wales Radio Amateurs club to check into this net.

As a reminder, observe proper check-in procedure. First key your mic and say “Net Control”. un-key and wait to see if anyone may have doubled with you. If you hear someone, STAND BY, until they are checked in. Then re-key and check in. Give your call sign slowly, using the proper phonetic alphabet, and wait to be acknowledged. Also, when checking in, advise if you have traffic or announcements. If you have ham equipment you would like to sell, let me know, and I will let you announce it at the end of the net. You may also send a detailed listing to ‘swap@lwra.us’ so that we can post it on our web site.

Are there any short timers that cannot stay for the entire net, come now. Looking for short timers only.

Acknowledge short time stations as they check in one at a time.

I will now take check-ins from LWRA club officers….Officers, check in now.

Acknowledge LWRA club officers as they check in one at a time.

If there any stations on Echo-link, check in at this time.

You may skip this section if Echo-link is not up and running.

This is (name-call sign) for the LWRA Weekly net now taking check-ins from all Lake Wales Radio Amateur club members. Club members come now.

Acknowledge checkins from club members one at a time,

I will now take check-ins from anyone, anywhere. Please check in now.

Acknowledge checkins from visitors one at a time.

Last call for anyone that wishes to check into the LWRA Weekly net. Check in now.

Acknowledge any last minute checkins one at a time.

Give the following closing announcement:

The LWRA meets on the second Thursday of every month at 7 pm at the Lake Wales Fire Department Station 1 at 253 W. Central Avenue near downtown Lake Wales. We welcome members and guests to stop by and meet fellow hams. Directions can be found on our web site at ‘www.lwra.us’. Our VE team conducts testing free of charge on the first Saturday of each month at the Red Cross in downtown Winter Haven. We do not take walk-ins. You may send testing inquiries in advance to ‘ve@lwra.us’. Further instructions may be found on our web site under the “License Exams” tab.

At this time, if anyone mentioned an item for sale, call that station for additional information needed, otherwise, continue with the net

Before I close this net, are there any late check-ins, announcements or anyone with ham radio equipment to buy, sell or trade.

Have the station with any listings to swap or announcements to make, do so at this time in the order in which they checked in.

Thank you all for taking part in tonight’s net. This evening we had ___ check-ins. This is (name-call sign), Net Control for the LWRA Weekly Net, now closing the net at (give time net closes) and returning the Repeater to normal operation. 73, (callsign) clear

At the end of the net, send an NTS Radiogram to Mike Lunsford KB4FHP with the following information: Date of the net you were NCS, duration of the net in minutes, number of checkins, and number of radiograms passed. Listed below is a sample radiogram for your use as a guide:

1 R KT4WX 16 FORT MEADE 10/29/24






You may use this exact template or modify it for your own use. When saying the time, numbers of checkins, or number of message you would say the word “figures” as by default numbers in NTS are spelled out. The word “figure” tells the receiving station that the numbers are all one word in the word count. Thank you for your service as net control.