LWRA Presidents Message Week of 8/07/23

Greetings here are the updates for the week in amateur radio for the LWRA

Today its Taco Tuesday, we share Taco Tuesday with LWRA NET Day. This week it is NI4S Rick as net control.  Last week we set records in July 36 check ins on the regular net, 12 on the informal and lost a repeater in the process, nothing to do with the nets other that’s when it manifest itself.

Join NI4S at 730 PM on the K4LKW UHF machine  442.425 +5MHz 127.3 CTCSS (Recommended TX and RX due to this machine being C4FM AMS digital as well). Following the regular net Rick will direct you to the repeater of choice for the informal.  I will monitor the 147.330MHz machine for those without UHF or c that cannot reach the UHF machine.  147.33Mhz -.6  127.3Hz CTCSS.

If you are out of town or cannot reach the repeater you can check in from 730 -745PM on LWRA Signal Chat.

Thursday will be LWRA meeting day!!!! We will have an unusual topical meeting with three speakers discussing the ‘Opportunities for Ham radio in the community”  interesting stuff you may not have thought of.

I will send the ZOOM link on Thursday in a separate email.

We are still evaluating the location for the QRP and I will include that information in the Thursday email.

Have a great day and hope to ‘see ya on the air’
