VE Exam Request Form PLEASE NOTE: The deadline to register for an upcoming test is Thursday 6pm prior to the scheduled exam. Thank you for your understandng. VE Exam Request Form VE Exam Request Form FRN# 9999999999 Current Amateur Radio call sign (if you have one) FULL NAME - As listed with your FCC Registration Number (FRN) * Mailing Address * City * State * Zip code * Area Code * Telephone Number * Email Address * For which elements will you be testing? * Tech General Extra Do you have any applications on file with the FCC? (For example: call sign change, new license application, etc.) * Yes No Have you ever been convicted of a felony in any state or federal court? * Yes No For which exam are you needing to attend? * Monthly session at the Red CrossFuture Date - Specify below Test Dates 4/06/245/04/246/01/247/06/248/03/249/07/2410/05/2411/02/2412/07/241/04/252/01/253/01/254/05/255/03/256/07/25 Remarks/Comments Captcha Δ