LWRA Ham Bytes – Week of 9/30/24

Monday 9/30/24


It has been a week! The IMPORTANCE of both ham radio, and maybe more importantly HAM COMMUNITY have really been relevant this week. I know we all were in fear, concern, apprehensive or any other adjective you wish to describe the storm. I was in North Carolina 17 mile south of Ashville on Wednesday night. I escaped literally minutes before the road was washed away. I know Hams here that sustained damage, some severe. My friends in NC, GA, North Florida, Coastal Florida, South Central Georgia are all suffering. PLEASE consider donating to any of the LEGITIMATE relief causes if you can. The American Red Cross is a prime example.

I had the opportunity on my way home to encounter several Power Companies at a stop for fuel. It makes you tear up to know these folks, as well as other disaster responders, will encounter things that will FOREVER change their perspective of disaster relief. They will never be the same. Thanks to ALL who are in that effort! Two quick other items about this then I will get off of my soap box.

Thank You for being a community that made constant checks on our local Ham community, I heard folks on the radio, on our chat groups, informative and precise weather information, offers for assistance and on and on, we made excellent use of our repeaters and other technologies to keep our “family” safe. On the other side of that coin, I hope the day never comes when what happened to me in South Carolina occurs here. I heard a QSO on a local repeater, after they concluded I called out my call sign, they informed me this was a repeater that ONLY members could use, and I was not allowed to call. You can deduce any emotion you wish for that, but for me initially I was mad, only soon to become sad to know that they do not have what I have…. Friends!

And finally, I end on a sad note. A new Ham that a couple of the club members have been working with over the last sever weeks notified me he would not be able to attend our QRP last weekend. His son (12) had passed away that morning, I cannot tell you how that caught me off guard. I tell you this to let you know people respect our group, and in some case that is their solace. If you are so inclined, please remember this fellow Ham and his family in your prayers or thoughts.

Onto the good stuff!

Get ready for our OCTOBER QRP our infamous “HAM’n BEANS” event. Again, I need you help. If you plan on bringing a desert, beans dish, drinks or support stuff like plates, bowls, cups, ice, forks knives and spoon send me what you are bringing to kn4itq@comcast.net Thanks for your support. I will start confirming for those who have already reasoned with this request. (several from last week I got ya!
The meeting this month will be October 10th at 7PM. Usual location. It is our quarterly business meeting with a short information program to follow.

NET INFORMATION this will soon be on the webpage for easy pull-down access. Thanks to KT4WX

Don’t forget the nets:
Daily VHF/UHF Net Listings – Polk County

Daily VHF/UHF Net Listings – Polk County
NI4CE (Analog) Repeater System
Eagle Net:  NTS Traffic Net
WC4PEM Repeater System
Hardee County ARES Net
NI4CE (Analog) Repeater System
WCF Section ARES/Information Net
442.025 MHz – W4CLL NXDN
NXDN “Polie Bottom” Net
GMRS Bartow Repeater
Polk County GMRS Net
442.425 MHz – LWRA Repeater
LWRA Weekly Net
NI4CE (Analog) Repeater System
Skywarn Information Net
WC4PEM Repeater System
Polk County ARES Net
NI4CE NXDN Repeater System
Florida NXDN Net
146.685 MHz – LARC Repeater
LARC Fusion Net
146.685 MHz – LARC Repeater
LARC Weekly Net
NI4CE (Analog) Repeater System
WCF Section Technical Net

One last thing.

Check out the WINLINK Monday with Gary today, you can find more information on the

73 and I hope to ‘see ya on the air.’
