LWRA President’s Message – Week of 8/19/24

Good morning,

Our HAM radio community is alive and well. Hearing several new HAMS during the ‘Repeater Challenge” and or those testing at our site being given great information about our club, the club has gained interest and new members. Thanks to all who participate in “Repeater Challenge”. As we move closer to hopefully cooler weather the season begins with Ham Fest or tailgates. One of those is this weekend. August 24 from 8am to 1 pm. 5 admissions, this is one you can tail gate and sell some equipment or better yet acquire some equipment. A great way to meet new HAMS and have a little fun. The TARC club is on N 22nd Street in Tampa. PCARS in Melbourne will be October 11th and 12th. The start of the season for ham fest in our area. If you are new to the club, or to ham fest. These are old fashion tail gate types with a lot of vintage and great sites for parts and other used items. As we get into the season you will see shows that have new equipment available culminating with the HAMCATION in February 2025 in Orlando. I will keep you posted about these as they get closer.

A new feature for this edition of what was formerly known as Monday Message. I have been toying with renaming it, since I unintentionally conflicted with Gary’s K4GHB’s WINLINK Message. Also, mini spread sheets for repeaters and nets, thanks to KT4WX Darrell. So welcome to the LWRA QSO.

A great tool for Hurricane preparation would be to have LWRA SIGNAL on your phone for questions and or updates. See Russ or John W4JFS for more information. Welcome to the several new folks who have joined us this week on SIGNAL.

QRP- we are planning a great time at the Bartow Mary Holland Park. Centrally located for everyone we will set up stations, make rf contacts and also practice and learn more about using the APRS feature on your radios. These are WAY more than location devices so come out as we explore more about our hobby. The ‘Big Dogs on the Porch Café’ will have a 5-star sampling of their on-bun concoctions with the common condiments. AS USUAL PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN DRINK IT WILL STILL BE SUMMER. Also, a donation jar at the café for help defray cost of the park (this is the only park that charges us).

Some have asked about the advertised talk in repeater. The KEG 655 is located in the Highlands and is a VERY capable repeater for Bartow. I did get permission to use the repeater as ‘Talk in’ with the owner glad to see it get some exercise. 146.655 -.6 with 127.3 Tone Squelch. Remember this means TX and RX. This is a NARROW band repeater 12.5KHz due to it being a P25 and analog repeater. It will work on wide band with some degradation.

A quick note about September LWRA meeting. This will be our hands-on meeting. I think you will have a lot of fun with this meeting. I will tell you more about it next week. So, get ready to learn something !

NET INFORMATION this will soon be on the webpage for easy pull-down access. Thanks to KT4WX

Don’t forget the nets:


One last thing.

Check out the WINLINK Monday with Gary today, you can find more information on the Polk ARES website at polkares.org/WINLINK

73 and I hope to ‘see ya on the air.’
