Greeting fellow LWRA folks!
It is Monday and I wanted to give you a brief rundown on the things to look forward to in May.
Greeting fellow LWRA folks!
It is Monday and I wanted to give you a brief rundown on the things to look forward to in May.
I would like to thank the folks who attended the LWRA meeting/Class for May. We had a good turnout on both the Google and the live attendance. Google was a great tool, improvements and ease of use have made it a great mode to use. Here is the link that will be for EVERY meeting as well as special meetings and events.
You can access this from your phone or computer, it works on Apple and Android as well. Thanks Dan and Dave for your efforts. Dan had a very interesting program on Grounds and Bonding in preparation for the upcoming rainy season.
We survived the CME storms G4 WOW, with arouras visible as far south as Ft Meyers. That’s impressive. More storms possible in the next few days so keep watch with Russ’s daily space weather updates. If you do not get these, get on one of the Signal groups for the LWRA and be informed. Thanks Russ!
Allen KI4MOX reminders for space launch at the cape has been a great tool as well, Watching the rockets from the cape is always exciting. The absolute clear sky last night made for a 5 minute 20 second visual, and only became blocked for me by the trees on the horizon. Thanks Allen!
Other stuff, we are in the final planning stages for this month’s QRP. It will be at Simmers Young Park in Winter Haven-Auburndale area. A new park for the QRP. A very large area with several pavilions, a long-isolated trail for those who may want to venture away from the pavilions. Our Tail Gate Tech section will be APRS and Meshtastic long range off grid form of for the flyer.
We will have the first official “Big Dogs on the Porch Café” with hot dogs and condiments. BRING your own drinks and if you so desire look for the donation jar to keep this part of our QRP’s going. More information at
A visitor at the LWRA meeting, made the comment that he was encouraged to see such an active club, doing, learning, laughing, and encouraging each other, he was impressed! Thanks, it is LWRA at its best!
HEADLINE- May testing was a success! Two extra and one technician, GREAT JOB VE FOLKS!
The VE TEAM, a great dedicated bunch as well, had to make an emergency move to a temporary location at the last minute. The Red Cross is making a few updates and remodeling the facility we normally use. After a brief search KO4FRZ came to the rescue. We will be testing JUNE, and JULY at the Masonic lodge on Recker Highway. The times will remain the same beginning at 9AM.
Winter Haven F&AM Masonic Lodge Nos. 186; 3596 Recker Highway; Winter Haven, Fl 33880
Walking in not excepted preregistration to test still applies.
As a reminder the EXTRA Pool will change June 30th, so the testing for the LWRA will change after June’s testing on the first Saturday as well as LARC on the First Monday. I am unaware of other testing sites. .
Don’t forget the nets:
Monday: We have the Hardee County ARES Net, KT4WX will be NC on the WC4PEM repeater network at 7PM for frequencies and repeater locations.
WCF ARRL ARES NET with KN4WXX on the NI4CE repeater network for frequencies and repeater locations.
Local ‘Polie Bottom” NXDN net with Jimmy KJ4KJG as host on the W4CLL NXDN South Lakeland repeater at 8PM on 442.025 RAN 45 NXDN ICOM Or Kenwood radio required.
Tuesday Net opportunities are:
GMRS Net 462.725 141.3 +5 CTCSS 7 PM KB4FHP/WRCP675 is the NC (Thanks for him filling on at the last-minute last week. I had to make an emergency trip out of county due to a family emergency)
The LWRA Net will be at 730PM on the 442.425MHz repeater + 5MHz using CTCSS Tone squelch 127.3 The net controller will be NI4S, Rick our 2nd Tuesday NC. He will announce the location of the informal that follows the regular net with a great topical question.
We have GREAT NETS with LWRA, if you’re a SNOWBIRD on the way or already way back up there don’t forget we have SIGNAL. This is for you to let us know you ‘would if you could’ be a part of the net. Check in on SIGNAL just to let us know you’re OK.(of course, you can ‘would if you could’ check in even if you’re here.)
Wednesday net opportunities:
W4PSR Polk Schools Radio Society radio net. This is aa great chance to encourage youth. It is operated by youth under the supervision of Ham clubs in the schools. They operate on various modes to let students become aware of the types of systems available. We will announce the mode on our net on Tuesday as well as on Signal Chat for the LWRA. The net begins at 2:15PM each Wednesday during the regular school year.
This week we are back to the DMR PCSB Talk Group. ON the W4VCO repeaters it is TG 3195162. This is accessible via hotspots as well. VCO ts2 on any of the three repeaters.
If you need additional send me an email
Polk County ARES net on the WC4PEM linked repeater systems. The net begins at 7PM with WX4NEX Norm. Always a great net. More information can be found at
Wednesday Continued
NI4CE NXDN net on the NI4CE NXDN radio network. This net requires a NXDN radio, and more information can be found on the This net is hosted by NB9X Paul and starts at 730PM.
Thursday net opportunities:
LARC Fusion with Bob on the 146.685MHz -.6 Mhz C4FM. This requires a Fusion radio to participate.
LARC Traders net at 730PM on the LARC repeater 146.685Mhz -.6 Mhz 127.3 Tone Squelch.
WCF TECH Net. Listen- Learn-Inquire and Inspire. The wealth of knowledge out there is usually only a question away. ON the NI4CE network is the TECH NET. This net allows questions to our WCF Technical Specialist on a variety of subjects and or problems. Join in at 9PM every Thursday evening. /nets for more information and frequencies. for more information. We have several Tech Specialist from our area on the net frequently.
And of course, daily 365 days a year at 830 PM we have the Eagle Net the WCF ARRL Traffic Net on the NI4CE radio network. for more information.
One last thing.
Check out the WINLINK Monday with Gary today, you can find more information on the
73 and I hope to ‘see ya on the air.’
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