Antenna Work on 147.330 MHz Repeater Completed
LWRA Members, Do to great work of KB4FHP and W4VCO climbers and a few other hams the VHF 147.330 has been swapped out with our
LWRA Inc. – An Amateur Radio Club and a 501c3 non-profit – also known as the Lake Wales Repeater Association
LWRA Members, Do to great work of KB4FHP and W4VCO climbers and a few other hams the VHF 147.330 has been swapped out with our
John Thacker KU8Q, the LWRA VE team leader, announced yesterday that all LWRA Volunteer Exams have been cancelled until further notice due to the required
Dear Members, LWRA club VE testing in April HAS BEEN CANCELLED, with tentative plans to test in May or maybe not til June. We will
Ladies and Gentlemen The Lake Wales Radio Amateurs have initiated a blog page on the Lake Wales Radio Amateurs website in order to give out