June 6 Club News – Mike Lunsford KB4FHP:
June 8th Club Meeting: Big week this week for the meeting and I’M excited. Dan Gagnon WZ1P will be taking us on a trip to the Caribbean, as he tells and shows his portable DX gear. I have heard him talk on this subject before and it is amazing. Everything from tooth brush to battery for the expedition has to fit in his carry on. So come and meet Dan and learn about DXing portable fashion. The meeting starts at 7 PM at the Lake Wales Fire Station 1 located at 253 West Central Avenue, Lake Wales.
ZOOM Meeting Information:
Helping Ham Day: We will have a “Helping Ham” weekend coming up assisting an Elmer with antenna/tower maintenance on Saturday the 17th at 9 AM. PLEASE PLEASE RSVP to me at jml610@comcast.net if you plan on attending. Parking could become an issue so we want to be prepared. We will also have a breakfast get together before the work day if you would like to join us just for that. Come out and enjoy some fellowship with us. We will be at Lake Wales Family Diner, 109 E State Road 60. Talk-in will be the LWRA 2-meter machine. Breakfast starts at 7 AM.
Field Day: Don’t forget to sign up for Field Day: We have spots for CW, FT8 and SSB on four stations. Also, set up and Break down as well. The list will be at the meeting see me!
Repeater news: KK4LI came back today to complete the WIPC radio station install. He had to redo the entire grounding system for the building. Hark! John KU8Q has always maintained there in lye some of our issues. Sure enough when tested the building was having grounding issues with the ohm fluctuating both inside and at the grounding site outside. John and his crew rebuilt the ground and it now meets spec for the radio station. Who benefits for this as well you ask? The LWRA repeater is on that new ground and hopefully along with the righting the antenna should improve the site dramatically. Thanks to KK4LI John from the Highlands County Club, and owner of JC Towers! Expensive work at the most of reasonable cost to us (no charge).